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Alina Alecu
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82% of students gain a 4+ in English and Maths, 56% gain a 5+ in both

82% of students gain a 4+ in English and Maths, 56% gain a 5+ in both and 18% Level 7

66 of the grades achieved were at the highest grade 9

30% of all grades were 7+

Large rise in the percentage achieving the English Baccalaureate to 45%

81% of students gain a 4+ in a Language GCSE

Students at Paddington Academy are celebrating record results, with 82% of students achieving 4+ in both English and maths and 56% gaining a 5+.  In addition, 66 of the grades achieved by students were the new highest grade of 9, achieved by only 3% of students nationally, with 11 students achieving this in Maths.  In addition to this, 36% of students achieved at least a Grade 7 in Maths.

The school has focused in recent years on increasing the number of students taking the rigorous subjects which make up the English Baccalaureate, and 45% of all students achieved the EBacc at grade 5+.  This was helped by very strong results in Languages, with 81% of all students achieving a grade 4+ in a Language.  Paddington Academy encourages as many students as possible to take a Modern Foreign Language, and 88% of students took one this year.

One of the highest performing subjects was Science, where 83% of students gained at least two grade 4s in the subject and 67% gained at least two grade 5s.  21% of students gained at least two grade 7s in Science.

It is particularly pleasing that since the school became an academy in 2006 results have continued to improve and have remained consistently high for the eighth consecutive year.

Peter Jones, Principal at Paddington Academy, said:  “I would like to congratulate all our students celebrating their results today.  As a school, our purpose is to make sure children are well-educated and have the opportunity to go to university.  Students at Paddington are some of the hardest working students in the UK and we are pleased to see the fruits of their efforts.  In our journey as a school, we are proud that 82% of our students achieved a grade 4+ in English and Maths whilst studying an increasingly challenging curriculum with more than three quarters studying the English Baccalaureate.  We are committed to ensuring that every student, whatever their starting point, has the opportunity to succeed and these results are testament to this.  I would like to thank all our staff for their hard work and commitment to our students.  Many of those celebrating today will be returning to join our large Sixth Form where last week our students achieved stunning results and 60% went to a university in the top-third of all universities.”

There were some excellent individual successes, including:

Rassim Lagha who gained six grade 9s in Biology, Chemistry, English Literature, French, Maths and Physics and four grade 8s in Computer Science, Economics, English and Geography.  He also gained an A* in Further Maths.

Hamda Abdi who gained six grade 9s in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, Economics and History and four grade 8s in English, English Literature, Maths and Business.

Ilyas Debbah who gained six grade 9s in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics, Maths and Physics, an A* in Further Mathematics, two grade 8s in History and Spanish, a grade 6 in English Literature and a grade 4 in English.

Hanaan Abdulle who gained one grade 9, seven grade 8s and two grade 7s.

Nazim Fahas who gained two grade 9s, six grade 8s, one grade 7 and one grade 6.

Aidan Pepper who gained three grade 9s, four grade 8s, two grade 7s, one grade 6 and an A* Distinction in Further Maths.

Geleenn Ramos Taygon who gained one grade 9, three grade 8s, four grade 7s and three grade 6s.

Omar Bensoula who gained three grade 9s, three grade 8s, two grade 7s and two grade 6s. 

Ali Hussein who gained two grade 9s, four grade 8s, three grade 7s and one grade 6.

Tatiana Simpson who gained four grade 9s, one grade 8, three grade 7s and two grade 6s.

Next Article Double celebration for brother and sister at Paddington Academy!


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