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Law Students Trial Case in Court

Alina Alecu
/ Categories: News

Year 12 students mock trial a real case in court

Year 12 aspiring Law students went to court as part of a Career's programme called Take to Law Project.   The Project is designed by the National Centre for Citizenship and the Law and aims to introduce young people to the possibilities of a career in Law.  Students went on numerous visits to law firms in the city and familiarised themselves with the variety of roles the profession offers.  

Latest of the experiences the Year 12s were exposed to - a real court room - helped students gain a real understanding into the roles of solicitors and judges.  They prepared for a real court case and then presented their arguments in a court room at the Rolls Building of Art and Education.  Students met with a High Court Judge and gained an insight into the hard work and dedication required to become part of this exciting field.  Watch how it all happened in the video below. 

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