At Paddington Academy, we believe that offering genuine leadership opportunities can help build a stronger school community and empower students. These activities contribute to the sense of pride students feel about their school and enable students to develop leadership skills in preparation for life beyond school. Many student leadership opportunities focus on improving the quality of learning and teaching in the classroom. There is a huge range of opportunities for students to become leaders, represent their peers and contribute to the school community.
Just a sample of the opportunities on offer are to:
- Work with visiting United Teaching teachers to understand learning from a students’ perspective
- Take part in student panels for teaching interviews
- Represent the school by being ambassadors on occasions such as Open Evening/Morning, Awards Evening and Transition Day
- Take part in whole-school events, such as Food Bank Donation and Macmillan Coffee Morning
- Be a student librarian
- Become a Sixth Form House Captain
- Complete a sports leadership award
- Being a department ambassador and being involved in curricular events, such as World Book Day, Maths Week and Science Week.
Junior Leadership Team (JLT)
In each year group, two students apply for and are appointed as Head Boy and Head Girl. After a rigorous interview process, these students come together to form the Junior Leadership Team (JLT) led by the Year 13 Head Boy and Head Girl. The JLT works alongside the Senior Leadership Team to ensure students are well-represented in whole-school decisions. In conjunction with the student council, the JLT ensures students regularly have the chance to share their opinions about school life, and also receive feedback about changes that have been made as a result of their input.
The JLT also leads other groups of students to take an active role in school life, such as recruiting and leading the team of Sixth Form House Captains, presenting to teachers and tutors, meeting with visitors and participating in the organisation and implementation of whole-school events and campaigns, such as delivering Mental Health Podcast.
In order to join the JLT, students will need to demonstrate leadership qualities, such as being an exceptional role model and an ambassador for the high ideals that Paddington Academy strives to represent. This includes being proactive, open-minded, collaborative, confident, and willing to take into account the broad range of views of our students while keeping learning as the focus of all decision making. JLT members will also demonstrate a capacity for development and will have opportunities to further those leadership skills.