Careers education at Paddington Academy is embedded across the curriculum for all year groups.
The department's main aim is to prepare students for the world of work through a range of opportunities, some that are statutory and others which are personalised. We work with a number of local and national providers to give real employability skills through work experience, mentoring, interview days, employer insight visits and tutor talks. Higher education, apprenticeships and training schemes are further explored through talks, university visits, higher education and apprenticeship fairs and one to one interviews with external advisors.
Our Careers ethos and aim are also reflected into our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy. Our students are therefore able to make more informed choices at key points in their education:
- Year 9 option choices for GCSE
- Year 11 choices for sixth form
- Year 13 higher education, training or apprenticeships
Students at Paddington have access to Unifrog, this is used to track student aspirations and identify opportunities that link to their future. We encourage external providers to contact the Director of Careers (Laura Snow) if they are wanting to deliver an inspirational assembly, careers talk to students or workshop to improve transferable skills. Furthermore, we are always wanting to grow our network of local external providers to support with Y10 Employability day and the Careers fair. A copy of our Provider Access Policy can be found here.
In order to meet the Baker Clause students engage with a range of higher education provision, not just universities. We offer alumni talks from students who have completed apprenticeships alongside delivering sessions and assemblies on the what apprenticeships can offer to our students.
Laura Snow is our Director of Careers and can be contacted calling 02074793900 or emailing to discuss any future opportunities with external companies.
Careers for ALL year groups
At Paddington Academy we have a programme of careers engagement activities that run throughout the year.
Our career rich curriculum for 2023–2024 can be found here.
Work Experience
Year 10 – All students are offered the opportunity to do a week’s work experience during February Half Term.
The Team:
Assistant Principal for Careers - Neha Modha
Director of Careers - Laura Snow
Careers & Enterprise Officer - Michelene Hinkson
Careers Consultant (External) - Jenny Daykin
Office number: 020 7479 3939
Useful websites
Career information websites
Career Academy