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Students Reap the Benefits of University Life

Alina Alecu
/ Categories: News

Thanks to anonymous donations five students are now enjoying their first year at universities outside London

Our five Vita Bursary winners, who left the school in the summer, are enjoying their first term at university thanks to generous bursaries provided by anonymous donors. 

The Vita Bursary Fund was launched last year by two benefactors who wish to support economically disadvantaged students and give them the means to attend a university of their choice.  Following a rigorous application process, five students have each received a bursary of £3,000 to help them cover the costs of living away from home. Thanks to these bursaries these students are now studying at some of the best universities in the country including Cambridge, Warwick and Nottingham Universities.

As their first term draws to a close, the students have written to their teachers at Paddington Academy to share their news. Reflecting on the opportunities the bursary has given him, Qamil Pajaziti, who is studying Medicine at Cambridge University, said:  “I remember trying to think of ways in which the bursary would help me when applying for it but I have found that it has helped me so much more than I could have imagined. I have been drowning in work since I arrived here but I am happy to say that I have been able to form a close group of friends and I have had the opportunity to make these friends because of the freedom this bursary has provided me. I have joined many societies including the Islamic, Afro-Carribbean and Albanian societies and I have had the opportunity to try sports like gymnastics and MMA which I wouldn’t have considered due to the subscription costs.”


Appreciating the opportunities of attending university, Diana David who is studying Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Nottingham, said:  “My university has really high expectations and I am glad that I am attending a university that pushes their students to bring out the best in them.”

Likewise, Jonald Rakipaj who is studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of Sussex is also reaping the benefits of university life. He said: “Life at university so far is great. I will be trying to make the most of it as well as studying as hard as I can while having as much fun here. These two months have felt like a year so far and I can’t wait to delve deeper into my course.”

Peter Jones, Principal of Paddington Academy, said: “It has been wonderful to hear from the students and find out how they are getting on. It is clear that they have all completely embraced university life and are rising to the challenges it presents such as being independent, managing their work and, above all, making the most of every single opportunity."

“At Paddington Academy, we do not just want students to go to university; we want them to love it and to thrive there. The experiences of these students reminds us of why it is so important for them to go and why we are committed to giving all our students an Education with Character – an education which challenges, inspires and motivates them and gives them the tools to not only go to university but to thoroughly succeed there.”




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