#hardwork #integrity #excellence


Developing teacher
Teacher training 
Subject development 
Outstanding teacher programme  
Experienced practitioners
T&L master classes 
Action research
Classroom based  coaching 
Practitioner accreditation
Joint practice development
Prince's Teaching Institute Subject Days
Curriculum master classes  
Emerging leader 
Mentoring training opportunities 
360 feedback 
Teaching Leaders 
Leadership coaching 
NPQML accreditation 
United Learning subject networks 
Exam board training 
Developing leader 
360 feedback
Leadership coaching 
NPQSL accreditation 
Future Leaders
United Learning leadership residential
Non-teaching staff 
Business Manager Diploma 
Heath & Safety courses
NVQ Business Administration & Team Leading 
UL - Introduction to Leadership
Child Protection
Safer Recruitment
Office 365
Inclusion T&L


National Professional Qualifications are designed to support you in becoming a highly effective leader; building the skills, confidence and knowledge to drive successful team performance and improved classroom practice. 

We offer the National Professional Qualification in Middle Leadership. The course is comprised of 4 full day face to face modules which we deliver here at Paddington Academy: 

  1. Leading with Impact 
  2. Leading Learning and Teaching 
  3. Leading Effective Partnerships 
  4. Leading Strategically 

In addition to attending the face to face sessions, participants are required to submit an in school project as part of their assessment. 


Further information regarding how the Academy holds and processes personal data is contained in our privacy notice which is accessible here. The data controller for personal information held by the Group Academies is United Learning Trust (ULT). ULT is registered with the ICO under registration number Z7415170. The Group’s Data Protection Officer is Steve Whiffen. He can be contacted on company.secretary@unitedlearning.org.uk or 01832 864538.

Continuing Professional Development

As a United Learning school, we are committed to bringing out the best in everyone and our CPD policy reflects that.  Effective CPD is central to our shared vision for excellence.

Platinum Award

We have been awarded the Platinum Award, recognising us as a centre of innovation and excellence in Professional Development.

This award recognises that:

  • We are outward facing and constantly striving to improve
  • Staff at all levels feel supported and invested in
  • We work with a range of high quality collaborations and partnerships
  • We plan effectively for succession by offering high quality leadership development
  • Our performance development review process is systematic and rigorous and that we integrate staff needs into this seamlessly

Most importantly, we do all of this with our students at the heart of the process.

Development Opportunities

We offer a range of external and in-house development opportunities. We have established a number of high quality collaborations such as the Lead Practitioner Accreditation with the SSAT and offer the National Professional Qualification in Middle Leadership in partnership with the IOE and UCL.


#hardwork #integrity #excellence

platinum quality mark award

United Learning comprises: United Learning Ltd (Registered in England No: 00018582. Charity No. 313999) UCST (Registered in England No: 2780748. Charity No. 1016538) and ULT (Registered in England No. 4439859. An Exempt Charity). Companies limited by guarantee. Registered address: United Learning, Worldwide House, Thorpe Wood, Peterborough, PE3 6SB.

Financial Accountability and Freedom of Information
Website Terms, Cookies and Privacy

United Learning