#hardwork #integrity #excellence

95% of A level grades were A*-C in 2023, the highest of any school in Westminster.  

In 2023, 40% of our grades were A* - A and our average BTEC grade was D*. 

73% of PA students are going to a University ranked in the top third in the UK.  

  39% to Russell Group (versus 9% nationally) universities including UCL, Cambridge, Imperial, King's College and the London School of Economics. 

We are proud to welcome you to Paddington Academy Sixth Form. Paddington Academy is an outstanding non-selective academy with 330  students in the Sixth Form. As part of United Learning, our aim is to bring out ‘the best in everyone’. 

Our Sixth Form is an inclusive one, and our mission is to ensure that every student leaves us prepared to thrive in higher education and lead successful lives. We are extremely proud of our students' success, 95% of A level grades were A*-C in 2023, the highest of any school in Westminster. 39% of students went to Russell Group universities this year (versus 9% nationally), and we have sent over 1,300 students to university in total, including Cambridge, LSE, UCL, Warwick, King’s College, Bath and Bristol to study a wide range of courses including Medicine, Law, Engineering and Business. 

Our offer is very simple, we provide outstanding staff of the highest academic calibre to teach, guide and support students for life long success. Every student has a tutor, who in addition to providing pastoral support, provides 1-2-1 support with the UCAS process. We provide personalised academic and pastoral interventions, and encourage students to undertake their own independent study. Our students have access to a dedicated careers team and a wealth of enrichment opportunities. We also work to develop the outstanding communication and leadership skills needed by students for success in all areas of their future lives. 

We have a constant focus on high standards from our students and are relentless in our pursuit of the small things that have a big impact on our school culture. We expect sixth formers to act as role models to younger students and be the leaders of the school. Our community is one where students and families are known, we value parental contact and intend to work alongside families of our students to ensure students succeed. 

We welcome applications from external students. This process goes live in November following our Sixth form Open Evening on Thursday 16th November at 17:30.  

Polly Enevoldson, 

Head of Sixth Form 


#hardwork #integrity #excellence

platinum quality mark award

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