#hardwork #integrity #excellence

10 Reasons to be at Paddington Academy

  1. Our GCSE results have consistently placed us in the top 1% of schools in the UK for student progress for the last ten years
  2. We are rated ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted and have consistently improved each year since opening in 2006
  3. We were described by the Education Secretary Michael Gove as ‘a jewel in the crown of state education’
  4. We are proud to be a non-selective school and achieve high academic standards: 84% of students achieved grade 4+ at GCSE in English and Maths and 72% achieved 5+ in 2022 (national average 52%) and 83% of students are entered for the English Baccalaureate
  5. We have a large and thriving Sixth Form of 330 with high academic standards: 85% of A Level grades were A*-B in 2022, the highest of any school in Westminster
  6. 94% of students went to university from Paddington Academy in 2022: 49% to Russell Group (versus 9% nationally) universities including UCL, Imperial, King's College and the London School of Economics 
  7. We have very high standards of behaviour and a relentless focus on uniform, organisation and homework so our students can do their best
  8. We have exceptionally high standards of teaching and learning: we are the lead teacher-training school for United Learning (the largest Academy Trust in the UK) and we are the Teaching School Hub for this area of London which means that your child will always be very well taught by experts
  9. Students are taught a knowledge-rich, rigorous and traditional curriculum which provides a foundation for high achievement, challenge and university study
  10. We offer a wide-range of sports, extra-curricular and leadership opportunities to students through our house system and Duke of Edinburgh Award 

Paddington Academy ensures that every student is well-educated, has the opportunity to attend university, and is able to lead a happy and fulfilled life

If you wish to contact the school regarding admissions or your child’s place at the Academy, please telephone Rubina Parvin (Attendance Officer) on 0207 479 3959 or at admissions@paddington-academy.org.  If you wish to contact the school regarding transition questions, please telephone Daniel Riley-Furse (Assistant Principal) on 0207 479 3961.


#hardwork #integrity #excellence

platinum quality mark award

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